Monday, May 10, 2021

 NEW DELHI (AP) - Hospitals in India have coronavirus patients, relatives of patients to find oxygen supplies, and doctors have been running around with the ability to control the dead.

However, despite clear signs of having too many health problems, President Narendra Modi has pressed ahead with the race.

"I have never seen that crowd before!" he cried for his supporters in West Bengal province on April 17, before the crucial local elections. “Everywhere I look, I see people. I never saw anything. ”

As another wave of deaths of COVID-19 affected India, the Modi government refused to abandon the Hindu religion. The testicles, joined by thousands to thousands, wear the same.

The catastrophic disaster has caused Modi to turn a deaf ear to the country after it praised last year as the fastest shutdown in India for nearly 1.4 billion people. Now, he has been called "the most talented" by the president of the Indian Medical Association, Dr. Navjot Dahiya.

With deaths and immunizations, Modi has shifted many of the responsibilities of transmitting the virus to corrupt organizations and unplanned before the government and even to the patients themselves. , critics say.

"It is a crime against humanity," author and co-author Arundhati Roy said of Modi holding the disease. "Foreign governments are rushing to help. But as long as the decision remains with Modi, who has shown himself to be unable to work with professionals or look beyond trying to get narrow management, it would seem to pour the funds into a sieve. "

The 70-year-old, whose image as a technician earned him the approval of a middle schooler for fraud and misconduct, has been accused of inciting dissent. peace and political health.

When the crew of COVID-19 killed more than 200,000 - experts say he was a huge soldier - Modi remained silent.

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