Increasing the pressure on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government, calls rose across the country on Monday to get closer to the record of new coronavirus cases and deaths in India.
The Ministry of Health reported 366,161 new infections and 3,754 deaths, slightly out of the recent peaks. The number of infections in India is now 22.66 million, with 246,116 deaths.
While many hospitals grapple with a severe shortage of oxygen and beds, while the morgue and crematorium overflow, experts have said that actual figures in India may be higher than reported.
The 1.47 million samples tested on Sunday for Covid-19 were the lowest for the month, according to data from the state's Indian Council of Medical Research. Compared with the 1.7 million daily average for the first eight days of May.
Late on Sunday, the northern state of Uttarakhand said that it would impose curfew from Tuesday to May 18, a few days after the mass religious event in the state became an outbreak of the virus.
Shops that are selling fruits, vegetables and dairy, and other items will be open for a few hours in the morning, while malls, gyms, theaters, bars, and liquor shops are among the closed ventures.
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