After WhatsApp announced a change in its privacy settings, many users moved to Telegram, and it was added to the Instant Install messaging app. Since then, Telegram has released a number of new features, and the blockchain-based app is now working on the long-awaited group call and screen sharing feature.
The founder of Telegram, PowerDorov, announced on his official Telegram channel that the platform was finally getting a group video calling feature next month, as well as supporting web-based video conferencing. He also explained how he would add "video dimension" to his voice chats in May, a feature that would make Telegram an even more powerful platform for group video calls.
Other features that will come with group calls and screen sharing include encryption noise cancellation and support for desktop and tablet. Although Telegram is known for advancing new features faster than its predecessors, it backed down when it came to introducing the group chat feature. In addition, Telegram is already known as one of the most secure IM applications, yet it is developing a new encryption feature. This seems like a strategic move as WhatsApp's new privacy policy goes into effect next month. We all know how many people are not happy about it.
New features next month for both iOS and Android. Will make its way.